24 April 2024


Thirty years since the dawn of democracy in South Africa and in a year of national elections, the ‘ Manifesto for Every Child in South Africa 2024: Time to PROTECT and PRIORITIZE’ calls for children and young people – the nation’s largest and greatest resource – to be put front and center in the country’s development.    Three decades ago, hope…, Get involved, Learn what needs to happen Learn what you can do For children and youth For parents UNICEF in action, What needs to happen, UNICEF’s ‘Manifesto for Every Child in South Africa 2024’ calls on all partners, from government to private sector, academia to civil society, parents and children and young people themselves, to strengthen efforts to ensure every child, including those living with disabilities, and migrant and refugee children, can survive and thrive to help…, PROTECT every child from violence, including online, To save lives and improve mental wellbeing Promote UNICEF parenting positive and nurturing parenting , through scaling-up access to parenting empowerment resources. Commit to budgeting violence prevention and early intervention work to tackle issues at their core and provide vital care and support for the most vulnerable children. Promote a Online…, PRIORITIZE quality, relevant, safe, and inclusive learning, To transform education and improve literacy and numeracy outcomes Improve access to inclusive and quality learning from a young age to build stronger Investing in foundational learning drives development foundational literacy and numeracy with relevant competencies to develop throughout life. Strengthen teachers’ capacity to deliver quality and…, PROTECT every child from deadly but preventable diseases, To scale-up access to routine childhood immunizations Ensure every parent is empowered through the ‘Road to Health’ booklet to monitor their child’s health and follow-up on needed vaccinations.  Prevent vaccine stock-outs at healthcare facilities by implementing effective vaccine management.  Tackle vaccine hesitancy by communicating the positive…, PROTECT children and adolescents from HIV and reduce teenage pregnancies, To support and promote healthier and safer lifestyles Ensure that all learners, adolescents and young people have access to confidential and child-friendly sexual and reproductive health information and effectively implement the ‘integrated school health policy’ and ‘comprehensive sexuality education’. Empower adolescents to act as peer mentors…, PRIORITIZE children and young people in the response to the climate and environmental crisis, To mitigate the impact, adapt services and to empower children and youth to respond Invest in adapting essential child services through climate resilient water, sanitation, and hygiene services and renewable energy in schools, ECD centers and healthcare facilities. Commit to the meaningful participation of children and youth in shaping and…, PROTECT every child from the scourge of all forms of malnutrition, To reduce stunting that impairs the youngest children and obesity that affects and increases health risks among adolescents Improve the cross-sectoral response to tackle malnutrition, through safe water and sanitation, nutritious food in schools and homes and early health care when needed. Promote and increase exclusive breastfeeding rates to…, PRIORITIZE children and young people in efforts to reduce poverty and inequality, To support the most vulnerable children and to provide opportunities for the most marginalized youth Commit to reducing child multidimensional poverty through child sensitive budgets, policies and laws, alongside greater investments in social security and effective monitoring of child wellbeing. Scale-up access to relevant digital learning, tech…, What we can all do to make change happen, Together, with all partners, including children and young people at the center, we can transform the lives and futures of children and young people across South Africa. UNICEF South Africa thanks all its partners and donors for their shared engagement in working to protect the rights of and improve the wellbeing of every child in South Africa,…, UNICEF in action
17 May 2023

#OnMyMind: Better mental health for every child in South Africa

Every child has the right to grow up in a loving, nurturing and safe environment, with supportive relationships and access to quality mental health and psychosocial support., Unfortunately this is not the case for many children and young people in South Africa. Children and adolescents face numerous challenges – including individual, social, and environmental factors – that impact their mental wellbeing. Not feeling safe, exposure to high levels of community violence, child maltreatment and gender-based violence are…, Seeking help, The first step and sometimes we need a little encouragement to take it. Being aware of when you need support and knowing where to go for help is the first step. UNICEF – with support from META – ran a 2023 mental health campaign on Facebook that reached more than 17,5 million people in South Africa with coping tips and the counselling service…, Shifting the narrative, Supporting young people to lead the mental health conversation. With our partner  Radio Workshop  we trained 117 youth reporters across nine sites on radio fundamentals and mental health. Youth reporters are leading the mental health conversation through live radio shows and outreach. A total of 184 radio shows have been produced exploring a wide…, Understanding, Getting to grips with the concept of mental health and where to access reliable information and support., Covered • Clean • Caring, The Covered, Clean and Caring  (3Cs) programme – initially designed to stop the spread of COVID-19 – has been updated with mental health resources and training materials for hosting dialogues about mental health. For educators and learners across 151 schools and orphans and vulnerable children centres, the Caring module introduced an “entirely new…, U-Report mental health chatbot, U-Report is a free platform for youth participation and is designed to address issues that young people care about. Providing information in response to a range of issues that young people have raised, including mental health, U-Report has created an easy-to-use chatbot., Having the conversation, Helping schools and communities to talk about mental health, what it is, and what parents and caregivers can do to support the young people in their lives., Check • Connect • Care, This programme focused on a mental health project with the school community in the Eastern Cape. The  Check, Connect and Care   materials were used to train 39 facilitators from 24 schools and helped parents, caregivers and community members to understand more about the mental health difficulties that their children experience, and what they can…, Get help now, Want to know more about mental health? Follow the links below to access the U-report Mental Health chatbot: Whatsapp Telegram   OR  On WhatsApp/Telegram: Save the U-Report number +27 83 283 8313 as U-Report SA, send the keyword INFO and follow the prompts to the mental health chat bot. Speak to a counsellor in South Africa Childline: 116 Suicide…
03 March 2023

U-Report South Africa

U-Report is a FREE & ANONYMOUS messaging platform for youth participation It is designed as a tool to address issues that young people care about, share information, raise awareness, and collect data on specific areas that impact children and young people, including the most vulnerable.   The information provided by U-Reporters is analyzed in…, ​​​​​​​About U-Report, U-Report is UNICEF's flagship digital platform started in 2011, to engage young people in programme priorities, emergency response, and advocacy actions. It supports adolescent, youth, and community participation; and works as a tool to share information, raise awareness, and collect quantifiable data on specific areas that impact children,…, Join now, U-Report is available on Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram and Moya App. Option 1 On WhatsApp: Save +27 83 283 8313 as U-Report SA, Enter the keyword JOIN OR  Scan the U-Report QR Code below, Enter JOIN  On Telegram: Save +27 83 283 8313 as U-Report SA, and send the keyword JOIN.   On Facebook: Follow  UReport South Africa , Open messenger,…, Particpate, South Africa U-report site screenshot Participate in the national decision- making process by contributing to U- Report Polls, Live Chats, U-Report Informational Center chatbots and connect physically with other young people to take an action. U-Report South Africa is used in different ways to deliver on programme, humanitarian and advocacy…, More to explore