Workplace safety for COVID-19

Guidance on COVID Back-To-Work Preparedness


Report: Guidance on COVID-19 Back-To-Work Preparedness

Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) is a critical component of efforts to combat the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). This includes WASH conditions in workplace settings. While some places of work have remained open since the coronavirus outbreak (e.g. essential services), others have closed. These workplaces are now planning what needs to be put in place to protect worker and public health as people return to work. This document offers employers:

1) WASH COVID-19 Rapid Assessment Checklist

2) Recommendations to develop WASH infection and control (IPC) measures1

3) Guidance to establish a plan for suspected or confirmed cases in order to protect worker health and prevent the further spread of COVID-19


Please also download our Workplace Safety Poster 


