01 September 2023

Navigating pregnancy and COVID-19

Pregnancy is a special time full of excitement and anticipation, but a positive COVID test can cause fear, anxiety and uncertainty. Read our expert tips on how to keep yourself and your baby safe., Jump to:, Understanding my risk How to protect myself If I have COVID-19 will I pass it to my baby? I have COVID-19. Can I safely breastfeed my baby? Getting the COVID-19 vaccine while pregnant Getting the COVID-19 vaccine while breastfeeding COVID-19 vaccines and fertility, I'm pregnant. Am I at higher risk from COVID-19?, Pregnant women do not seem to be at higher risk of contracting COVID-19. However, you are at higher risk of serious illness if you get COVID-19 while pregnant. You are also at higher risk of delivering your baby prematurely if you get COVID-19. That’s why it’s important that you – and the people around you – take precautions to protect against…, What should I do to protect myself from COVID-19 while pregnant?, Pregnant women should take the same precautions to avoid COVID-19 infection as other people. To help protect yourself and people around you: Make sure you are up-to-date on your COVID-19 vaccine doses, including booster doses, as recommended to you by your health authority. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub., If I have COVID-19 will I pass it to my baby?, Transmission of the virus while your baby is in the womb or during birth is possible, but very rare. Most babies won't develop COVID-19 disease, and those who develop symptoms tend to recover quickly.  The best thing you can do is to take all necessary precautions to prevent yourself from contracting COVID-19. If you’re pregnant or have just given…, I have COVID-19. Can I safely breastfeed my baby?, Yes. Transmission of active COVID-19 (virus that can cause infection) through breast milk and breastfeeding has not been detected to date, so there is no reason to stop or avoid breastfeeding. The benefits of skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding substantially outweigh the potential risks of transmission and illness associated with COVID-19. If…, Should I get the COVID-19 vaccine if I’m pregnant?, Yes, you can get vaccinated if you are pregnant. Although the overall risk of severe illness from COVID-19 remains low, pregnancy puts you at higher risk of severe illness compared to people who are not pregnant. You are also at higher risk of delivering your baby prematurely if you contract COVID-19.Many people around the world have been…, Should I get the COVID-19 vaccine if I’m breastfeeding?, Yes, the COVID-19 vaccine is very safe and there is no risk to the mother or baby. None of the current COVID-19 vaccines have live virus in them, so there is no risk of you transmitting COVID-19 to your baby through your breastmilk from the vaccine. In fact, the antibodies that you have after vaccination may go through the breast milk and help…, I plan to have a child. Can COVID-19 vaccines affect fertility?, No, you may have seen false claims on social media, but there is no evidence that any vaccine, including COVID-19 vaccines, can affect fertility in women or men. You should get vaccinated if you are currently trying to become pregnant.
26 July 2023

Global annual results report 2022 : Goal Area 1

In 2022, UNICEF saw important results for children amidst COVID–19 recovery, conflicts and climate change. With an unwavering commitment, UNICEF remained steadfast in achieving the rights of all children, thanks to record-breaking support from donors and partners. Flexible funding from public and private partners was particularly instrumental in…, Filename: GoalArea1_FINAL_WEB.pdf Report created by: Creatrix Designer Organization: [Personal and organization information from the Preferences > Identity dialog.], Summary, The checker found no problems in this document. Needs manual check: 0 Passed manually: 2 Failed manually: 0 Skipped: 0 Passed: 30 Failed: 0, Detailed Report, Document, Rule Name Status Description Accessibility permission flag Passed Accessibility permission flag must be set Image-only PDF Passed Document is not image-only PDF Tagged PDF Passed Document is tagged PDF Logical Reading Order Passed manually Document structure provides a logical reading order Primary language Passed Text language is specified Title…, Page Content, Rule Name Status Description Tagged content Passed All page content is tagged Tagged annotations Passed All annotations are tagged Tab order Passed Tab order is consistent with structure order Character encoding Passed Reliable character encoding is provided Tagged multimedia Passed All multimedia objects are tagged Screen flicker Passed Page will…, Forms, Rule Name Status Description Tagged form fields Passed All form fields are tagged Field descriptions Passed All form fields have description, Alternate Text, Rule Name Status Description Figures alternate text Passed Figures require alternate text Nested alternate text Passed Alternate text that will never be read Associated with content Passed Alternate text must be associated with some content Hides annotation Passed Alternate text should not hide annotation Other elements alternate text Passed Other…, Tables, Rule Name Status Description Rows Passed TR must be a child of Table, THead, TBody, or TFoot TH and TD Passed TH and TD must be children of TR Headers Passed Tables should have headers Regularity Passed Tables must contain the same number of columns in each row and rows in each column Summary Passed Tables must have a summary, Lists, Rule Name Status Description List items Passed LI must be a child of L Lbl and LBody Passed Lbl and LBody must be children of LI, Headings, Rule Name Status Description Appropriate nesting Passed Appropriate nesting Back to Top Spotlight on theUNICEF HIV/AIDS FundResults achieved in 2022 to achieve an AIDS-free future for children and adolescents U NIC EF/ UN I423 741/ Sch erm bruc ker Spotlight on the UNICEF HIV/AIDS FundResults achieved in 2022 to achieve an AIDS-free future for…
03 July 2023

Global Annual Results Report 2022: Humanitarian action

Climate change and conflict shaped many children’s lives for the worse in 2022. Flooding, storms, drought, war, local and regional conflict, and other forms of violence negatively impacted children’s safety; their health and exposure to communicable diseases; their nutritional status; their access to education; their environment and access to safe…, Filename: Humanitarian_FinalWebAccessibility.pdf Report created by: Creatrix Designer Organization: [Personal and organization information from the Preferences > Identity dialog.], Summary, The checker found no problems in this document. Needs manual check: 0 Passed manually: 2 Failed manually: 0 Skipped: 0 Passed: 30 Failed: 0, Detailed Report, Document, Rule Name Status Description Accessibility permission flag Passed Accessibility permission flag must be set Image-only PDF Passed Document is not image-only PDF Tagged PDF Passed Document is tagged PDF Logical Reading Order Passed manually Document structure provides a logical reading order Primary language Passed Text language is specified Title…, Page Content, Rule Name Status Description Tagged content Passed All page content is tagged Tagged annotations Passed All annotations are tagged Tab order Passed Tab order is consistent with structure order Character encoding Passed Reliable character encoding is provided Tagged multimedia Passed All multimedia objects are tagged Screen flicker Passed Page will…, Forms, Rule Name Status Description Tagged form fields Passed All form fields are tagged Field descriptions Passed All form fields have description, Alternate Text, Rule Name Status Description Figures alternate text Passed Figures require alternate text Nested alternate text Passed Alternate text that will never be read Associated with content Passed Alternate text must be associated with some content Hides annotation Passed Alternate text should not hide annotation Other elements alternate text Passed Other…, Tables, Rule Name Status Description Rows Passed TR must be a child of Table, THead, TBody, or TFoot TH and TD Passed TH and TD must be children of TR Headers Passed Tables should have headers Regularity Passed Tables must contain the same number of columns in each row and rows in each column Summary Passed Tables must have a summary, Lists, Rule Name Status Description List items Passed LI must be a child of L Lbl and LBody Passed Lbl and LBody must be children of LI, Headings, Rule Name Status Description Appropriate nesting Passed Appropriate nesting Back to Top
31 May 2023

For every child, results

UNICEF was established in the aftermath of World War II to help children whose lives and futures were at risk – no matter what country they were from. More than 75 years after UNICEF’s founding, the world faces a variety of momentous crises including armed conflict, the effects of climate change, economic downturn and the fallout from the COVID-19…, 6 WAYS UNICEF GETS RESULTS, 1. Local presence, global reach, UNICEF is active in more than  190 countries and territories . Our vast network of skilled and committed staff means we can take successful approaches from one place in the world and adapt them to meet challenges elsewhere, helping drive results for children and young people at a global scale.  Safe births: A mother and her newborn 356 million…, 2. Unlocking greater impact for children, As one of the world’s largest buyers of lifesaving supplies such as vaccines and ready-to-use therapeutic food, UNICEF has unique leverage with suppliers. Our expertise in anticipating demand, a strong knowledge of markets and ability to work with industry enables UNICEF to consider production and supply chain challenges, provide timely access to…, 3. Emergency response and readiness, UNICEF is on the ground before, during and after humanitarian emergencies. Our global supply chain and local presence mean we can get help to where it's needed fast – we can ship lifesaving supplies almost anywhere in the world within 72 hours. Just as important, UNICEF stays and delivers. How we respond in crises lays the foundation for long-term…, 4. New solutions to old problems, Innovation is at the heart of UNICEF’s ability to achieve results for children and young people. Our global innovation centre helps scale up proven solutions, while a dedicated innovation fund provides financial resources to promising early-stage projects. The results? A new wave of technologies and products to help us reach the hardest-to-reach…, 5. Powerful partnerships, Strong partnerships with governments, NGOs, civil society and the private sector make UNICEF’s work for children possible. In turn, our credibility, impartiality and record of achieving results make us a partner of choice. Global brands – from Ikea and Lego to Microsoft – leverage their resources and drive innovation to help children and young…, 6. An influential voice for children, UNICEF is the world’s leading voice for – and with – children. Impartial and non-political, we are never silent about violations of children’s rights. Our research and reports are a leading source of data and information on the situation of children and young people around the world for journalists, researchers, policy makers and advocates. Our…
10 January 2023

What you need to know about stillbirths

One stillbirth happens every 16 seconds. That’s about 2 million babies stillborn every year. What makes these deaths even more tragic is that the majority could have been prevented through quality care during pregnancy and at birth. Stillbirths are happening with alarming frequency in many countries. And while some progress has been made in…, Key facts about stillbirths, Since 2000, an estimated 53 million babies have been stillborn  Stillbirth is a huge burden globally, with 1 in 72 births ending in stillbirth Most stillbirths, about 8 in 10, occur in sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia Over 40 per cent of stillbirths occur during labour The majority of stillbirths can be prevented through quality care during…, What is a stillbirth?, A stillbirth is defined as a baby born with no signs of life after a given threshold, usually related to the gestational age (period of time between conception and birth) or weight of the baby. As stillbirths are reported in different ways across countries, the UN stillbirth estimates in this article refer to “late gestation fetal deaths” as…, What are the main causes of stillbirths?, Commonly reported causes of stillbirth include complications during childbirth, haemorrhage before childbirth (including placental abruption), infections and maternal conditions, and pregnancy complications with fetal growth restriction as a common underlying cause. A mother’s health is also linked to causes of stillbirth. An estimated 10 per cent…, Why do so many women have stillbirths during labour?, Over 40 per cent of stillbirths occur during labour. Common causes of stillbirths that occur during labour are hypoxia (oxygen deprivation), placental obstruction and other delivery and labour related complications. Many of these can be avoided if key interventions, such as assisted vaginal delivery, skilled birth attendants or emergency C-…, Where do most stillbirths happen?, In 2021, about half of all stillbirths occurred in six countries: India, Pakistan, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia and Bangladesh, in order of burden (highest to lowest).  On average, the risk of a stillbirth is more than seven times higher in low-income countries (21 stillbirths per 1,000 total births) than in high-income…, Why is there so much stigma around stillbirths?, In some cultures, stillbirths are perceived as the mother’s fault, resulting in public shaming or individual feelings of guilt or shame that prevent public mourning of their loss. The lack of opportunity to publicly grieve can cause stillbirths to be considered “non-events”. Such social taboos, stigmas and misconceptions often silence families or…, What are the psychological impacts of stillbirths on mothers and families?, Women and their partners who experience stillbirth have higher rates of depression, anxiety and other psychological symptoms that may be long lasting. For many women, losing their child and the subsequent care they receive will impact their approach to life and death, self-esteem and even their own identity. Many women who experience a stillbirth…, What needs to be done to reduce stillbirths?, Improved health systems and high-quality antenatal and delivery care are critical to ending preventable stillbirths. This means access to functional health facilities with adequate medicine and equipment, electricity, running water, soap and blankets, and the availability of round-the-clock referral systems every day of the week. Adequate numbers…, What is UNICEF doing to reduce stillbirths?, Every day UNICEF is working around the world to make affordable, quality health care a reality for every mother and baby. In 2019, there were more than 27 million safe births in UNICEF-supported health facilities. UNICEF and partners are calling for a renewed commitment to end preventable stillbirths by 2030 as outlined in the Every Newborn Action…