16 March 2019

About UNICEF publications

UNICEF is a leading source of information on the situation of children around the world. Our work is grounded in empirical data, rigorous research and thoughtful analysis. Publications are among the most important tools that UNICEF uses to influence policy discourse and decision-making on behalf of every child at risk or in need. They also provide…, What are UNICEF’s flagship publications?, UNICEF’s longest-standing flagship publications are The State of the World’s Children 2023 The State of the World’s Children and the UNICEF Annual Report . Each edition of The State of the World’s Children focuses on a vital issue or sector affecting children and young people around the globe. This research-based publication also features…, What other types of publications does UNICEF produce?, UNICEF publishes a wide range of publications, providing data and analysis on the many issues facing children and young people around the world. Specialized UNICEF divisions and offices, disseminate reports reflecting technical expertise in child-centred practice and policy, such as on social inclusion, policy and budgeting. Humanitarian updates…, In which languages are UNICEF publications available?, Many UNICEF publications are available in multiple languages, including Arabic, English, French and Spanish. UNICEF country offices and National Committees also translate materials into local languages. For specific local language needs, visit the UNICEF country offices or National Committees pages., How do I order publications from UNICEF?, Most UNICEF publications are available online in PDF format. To conserve resources, only a limited number of items are available in print. The links on the web page for each publication show whether it is available in print format., May I freely reuse content from a UNICEF publication?, UNICEF encourages partners and supporters to use its publications for educational and informational purposes. However, all UNICEF publications are protected by Legal information copyright laws and regulations. Written permission is required to distribute, reproduce or adapt any publication or any elements within it (text, illustrations or graphics…, How do I cite a UNICEF publication?, To cite UNICEF publications, include the following standard credit line in all cases: ‘Author name/s [individual or institutional], Full title of the publication [heading and subheading], department name [if available], publisher [UNICEF], city of publication, date [month and year, as available], page number/s.’ For example: ‘United Nations…, More research and reports, All UNICEF Publications, Browse UNICEF publications by topic, UNICEF Data, Access the latest data and analysis., UNICEF research, Discover policy-relevant research.