Child labour and responsible business conduct

A guidance note for action

Four boys in Moussadougou village, in the Southwest of Côte d'Ivoire
UNICEF/UNI350304// Frank Dejongh


This report provides guidance to businesses, policy makers and other stakeholders towards meeting SDG Target 8.7 on eradicating child labour by 2025. It improves on existing literature by emphasising responsible business practices that address root causes and wider children’s rights deprivations. The report outlines how the private sector can respond to child labour more effectively and sustainably. It includes deep dives analyzing business policies and practices in three key sectors: cobalt, cocoa, and cotton.

Based on this analysis, the report offers guidance on grounding child labour strategies in child rights-based approaches, focusing on prevention and integration across core business practices and strategies. It also explores emerging mandatory human rights due diligence legislation and the criteria such laws should include to effectively protect children from adverse business impacts, including child labour.

Boys in the village of Moussadougou, Southwest of Côte d'Ivoire
UNICEF Child Rights and Business
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