Guidance for solidarity viewing parties

International Day of the Girl 2023


Organized with Plan International and other partners, this year's International Day of the Girl event will explore opportunities for improving resourcing to girls and the issues that affect them. We hope you will be able to join us!

We invite participants to organize a viewing party with and for girls, wherever you are. Here are some guidelines on how to do so. Viewing parties provide a unique way to experience the virtual event and express your solidarity with colleagues, allies, and girls themselves.

If young people are invited or involved in these events, it is essential to do a rapid safeguarding assessment and have a safeguarding plan in place. UNICEF’s tip sheets on adolescent and youth participation may be helpful resources. 

We look forward to seeing you on October 11th! 

RSVP here for the Zoom link: UNICEF and Plan International co-hosted event for International Day of the Girl

Files available for download