The Humanitarian Cash Operations and Programme Ecosystem (HOPE)

UNICEF’s Management Information System

Sofia (16), together with her sister Anya (10), brother Bohdan (2) and mother Olya (37) pose for a picture.


2022 has seen an unprecedented rise in humanitarian needs. In those contexts, humanitarian cash transfers are one of the most efficient ways in which UNICEF can support children and families and restore their dignity.

Implementing an HCT programme requires UNICEF to manage high volumes of data. Data used in humanitarian cash transfer programs is personal identifiable information of vulnerable people who live in highly fragile and complex contexts. This data is sensitive and must be protected to avoid causing harm. To address this, UNICEF has developed an operational digital tool, The Humanitarian cash Operations and Programme Ecosystem (HOPE), to ensure that data in humanitarian cash transfer programmes is protected and safe. Since its launch in 2021, the tool has been used to safely store and manage the personal data of over 1 million people, enabling access to humanitarian cash transfers in 13 countries for over 300 million USD directly delivered to crisis-affected families.

Learn more about what it takes for UNICEF to deploy this digital system in fragile and complex contexts.

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