11 November 2020

UNICEF Guide: What can I do to help stop child marriage?

Every child in India has the right to finish school and to be protected from violence. Early and forced marriage still stops too many boys and girls from enjoying those rights, but together we can end this harmful practise for good. Here’s our guide to reporting child marriage and raising your voice in your community., Three simple actions against child marriage, Ending child marriage is no small task, but many small actions can create big change. We don’t have to stand by and accept practices that hurt children and communities - instead, here are three actions we can all take: 1. Report any child marriage happening around you to the proper authorities 2. Educate your friends, family and community about…, How to report a child marriage in India, If you hear about a child marriage happening in your school or neighbourhood, you can tell your nearest panchayat, closest police station, a nearby charity that works for children or your local leaders, representatives or MLAs. These adults have a responsibility to stop a child marriage happening.   What if I want to stay anonymous? If you need…, How to speak to my family and friends about child marriage, From your neighbor, to your aunty to your bus driver - there are many people around us who we can help to educate about child marriage. Here are four strong messages you can share with anyone in your community about child marriage. If you’re trying to change someone’s mind, it’s a good idea to listen to their ideas, speak clearly and stay calm.…, What is UNICEF doing to help end child marriage in India?, UNICEF is working hand in hand with India to prevent child marriages and help children who’ve been impacted. We’re supporting social change through policies, empowering adolescents and strengthening services for the healing and recovery of survivors of violence. In 2019, UNICEF and our partners helped: Expand the national flagship programme, Beti…