From Education to Employability: Preparing South Asian Youth for the World of Work

A report by JustJobs Network

A like of girls in their black school uniforms and white hijabs work on computers while they look at the camera
UNICEF Afghanistan/2019/Dejongh


South Asia is home to the largest share of the world’s youth population. With 48 percent of its population below the age of 24, South Asia’s young people offer the potential to drive its economies to be more vibrant and productive. Optimism over the region’s so-called demographic dividend is tempered by questions about whether existing education systems are adequately preparing young people to make the leap from education to a 21st century world of work.

To assess whether and the extent to which secondary education systems contribute to the employability of young people, this report prepared by the JustJobs Network in partnership with UNICEF South Asia relies on existing data with a focus on secondary education. It also draws upon insights of several seasoned experts in the areas of education and skills development that formed the peer advisory group for this research.

At the top of the image is the logos of JustJobs and UNICEF. In the middle is a photo of a line of youth working on sewing machines and smiling. At the bottom is the text 'From Education to Employability: Preparing South Asian Youth for the World of Work, By Sabina Dewan & Urmila Sarkar, December 2017'
Sabina Dewan & Urmila Sarkar
Publication date

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