27 September 2021

UNICEF Strategic Plan 2022-2025

UNICEF’s Strategic Plan, 2022–2025, reflects UNICEF’s unreserved commitment to promoting the rights of all children, everywhere, as stated in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and guided by the  Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action . It comes at a crucial time when the human rights of children are under threat to a degree…, Strategic Plan 2022-2025 publication - English , French , Spanish Integrated Results and Resources Framework of the UNICEF Strategic Plan, 2022–2025 Investment case for UNICEF’s Strategic Plan 2022-2025 Theory of Change, UNICEF Strategic Plan, 2022–2025 Strategic Plan 2022-2025 high-level visual representation Engaging children and young people on…, What, UNICEF will work with a broad range of stakeholders towards accelerating achievement of child-related SDGs in  five interconnected Goal Areas  [outcomes] comprising 18 Result Areas  [outputs] to ensure that, in all contexts, including humanitarian crises and fragile settings, every child, including adolescents: , 1. Survives and thrives with access to nutritious diets, quality primary health care, nurturing practices and essential supplies, Accelerators: Strengthen primary health care and systems  Focus on deep inequalities in access to essential health and nutrition services  Scale up public health emergencies capacity   Promote child-centered food systems  Support a multifaceted response that supports optimal nutrition  Change discriminatory laws, policies and social practices , 2. Learns and acquires skills for the future, Accelerators: Strengthen the emphasis on early learning  Improve education for marginalized adolescents  Focus on safe and supportive school environments   Strengthen links between education and other sectoral systems  Innovate with holistic skills acquisition and multiple learning pathways  Support digital learning , 3. Is protected from violence, exploitation, abuse, neglect and harmful practices, Accelerators: Put greater focus on preventing violence and harmful practices  Support stronger and more inclusive systems  Address the behavioural, social, cultural and economic determinants  Target interventions to children at greatest risk  Strengthen access to response services  Empower families, parents and caregivers , 4. Has access to safe and equitable WASH services and supplies, and lives in a safe and sustainable climate and environment, Accelerators: Strengthen WASH service delivery and WASH systems  Invest in safe water for children and communities in water-insecure contexts  Scale up WASH in schools and health facilities  Increase partnerships with private sector  Expand child-sensitive programming to address climate change and disaster risks , 5. Has access to inclusive social protection and lives free from poverty , Accelerators: Increase emphasis on inclusive programming that supports shock-responsive social protection systems  Strengthen links among social protection systems and other sectoral systems  Scale up critical elements of social protection systems  Support inclusive financing strategies  Advocate for explicit commitments to child poverty  Continue…, How, The new Strategic Plan has identified  nine "Change Strategies”  that are ‘game-changing’ operational strategies that will accelerate the achievement of UNICEF’s planned results through the period of this SP.  Advocacy and communications Community engagement, social and behaviour change Data, research, evaluation and knowledge management Digital …, Key shifts, Design: A more outcome-oriented plan with a 2030 vision that catalyses transformative and systemic change at the outcome level, and focuses on an intersectional approach to inequality and discrimination to address underlying drivers of discrimination and transform structures and norms.  Scope: Stronger emphasis on upholding and safeguarding the…, UNICEF Strategic Plan 20222025Renewed ambition towards 2030 Published by UNICEFDivision of Global Communication and Advocacy3 United Nations PlazaNew York, NY 10017, USA Contact: pubdoc@unicef.org Website: www.unicef.org United Nations Childrens Fund, UNICEF Strategic Plan 20222025, UNICEF, New York, January 2022. ISBN: 978-92-806-5314-4 United…