18 January 2022

What to do if you or your child gets sick with COVID-19 at home

Many people who get sick with COVID-19 experience mild symptoms and are able to recover at home. For a lot of families living together though, it’s often difficult to avoid spreading the virus to others. Here are some tips on what to do if you or a family member gets sick.   People who test positive for COVID-19 and have mild or no symptoms can…, How to care for someone with COVID-19, As you look after your sick family member, remember to take care of yourself too. Limit the number of caregivers. Ideally, assign one person who is in good health and not at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19 – i.e. fully vaccinated, below 60 years old and with no chronic health conditions.  Help the sick person to follow instructions from…, How to wash your hands, What to tell children if someone falls sick in the family, Being sick is hard on everyone in the family, including those who aren’t ill. How children respond to the situation depends a lot on their age. Younger children might not understand what is going on and why they suddenly cannot see a parent or sibling. For older children it can cause worry and painful feelings. Some might blame themselves for what…, What to do if you fall ill, If you feel ill or test positive for COVID-19 then stay home. If your condition worsens or you have difficulty breathing, call your healthcare facility immediately.  If you are your child’s sole caregiver, then consider who could look after your child if you become too ill to do so. Ideally, the caregiver should be someone who is not at higher…, What to do if your child is ill, If your child has COVID-19 symptoms, then seek medical advice as soon as they start to feel unwell, even if symptoms are mild. If your doctor says it is safe to care for your child at home, try to limit contact to one caregiver as much as possible to protect other family members – especially those at high risk of severe disease – from being…