28 November 2023

Humanitarian cash transfers explained

What are humanitarian cash transfers?, Humanitarian cash transfers are payments made in the form of physical currency or e-cash that can be used to address humanitarian needs in any type of emergency. They are a highly effective way of providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and households., How do cash transfers work?, Cash can be provided as a one-off payment or as regular monthly transfers. These transfers can be delivered as currency via bank accounts, post offices, companies providing money transfer services, through the use of mobile phones, or simply by hand. Cash transfers can be given as a standalone payment and/or combined with other types of services…, Who is eligible for cash transfers?, Determining who will benefit most from humanitarian assistance is a critical step in designing cash transfer programmes, which should be tailored to the specific contexts of a given country or emergency. A range of targeting criteria are used to identify households most in need of support. Per its mandate, UNICEF usually targets families with…, Why are humanitarian cash transfers a good idea?, Humanitarian cash transfers help UNICEF serve children and families better. They are a cost-effective way of quickly getting support to those who need it most. The overall cost of delivering cash assistance is often lower than in-kind assistance, meaning more people can be reached. Cash transfers also empower people to make decisions based on…, Does UNICEF use humanitarian cash transfers?, Yes, humanitarian cash transfers have been a vital part of UNICEF’s emergency toolkit for responding to conflicts, disasters and protracted crises. UNICEF uses its expertise in both social protection system strengthening and in the direct delivery of cash, to fulfill its humanitarian and development mandate. UNICEF’s first choice when giving cash…