28 November 2023

Humanitarian cash transfers explained

What are humanitarian cash transfers?, Humanitarian cash transfers are payments made in the form of physical currency or e-cash that can be used to address humanitarian needs in any type of emergency. They are a highly effective way of providing humanitarian assistance to individuals and households., How do cash transfers work?, Cash can be provided as a one-off payment or as regular monthly transfers. These transfers can be delivered as currency via bank accounts, post offices, companies providing money transfer services, through the use of mobile phones, or simply by hand. Cash transfers can be given as a standalone payment and/or combined with other types of services…, Who is eligible for cash transfers?, Determining who will benefit most from humanitarian assistance is a critical step in designing cash transfer programmes, which should be tailored to the specific contexts of a given country or emergency. A range of targeting criteria are used to identify households most in need of support. Per its mandate, UNICEF usually targets families with…, Why are humanitarian cash transfers a good idea?, Humanitarian cash transfers help UNICEF serve children and families better. They are a cost-effective way of quickly getting support to those who need it most. The overall cost of delivering cash assistance is often lower than in-kind assistance, meaning more people can be reached. Cash transfers also empower people to make decisions based on…, Does UNICEF use humanitarian cash transfers?, Yes, humanitarian cash transfers have been a vital part of UNICEF’s emergency toolkit for responding to conflicts, disasters and protracted crises. UNICEF uses its expertise in both social protection system strengthening and in the direct delivery of cash, to fulfill its humanitarian and development mandate. UNICEF’s first choice when giving cash…
10 November 2023

Pneumonia in children: Everything you need to know

Many people associate pneumonia with the elderly, but it is actually the biggest infectious killer of children worldwide. Every year, it claims the lives of more than 725,000 children under the age of 5, including around 190,000 newborns, who are particularly vulnerable to infection.  Every day, at least one child dies every 43 seconds from…, What causes pneumonia?, Pneumonia is an acute respiratory infection of the lungs. It doesn’t have one single cause – it can develop from either bacteria, viruses or fungi in the air. When a child is infected, their lungs are filled with fluid and it becomes difficult to breathe. Children whose immune systems are immature (i.e. newborns) or weakened – such as by…, What are pneumonia symptoms?, As pneumonia is an infection of the lungs, the most common symptoms are coughing, trouble breathing and fever. Children with pneumonia usually experience fast breathing, or their lower chest may draw in or retract when they inhale (in a healthy person, the chest expands during inhalation)., Is pneumonia contagious?, Pneumonia is contagious and can be spread through airborne particles (a cough or sneeze). It can also be spread through other fluids, like blood during childbirth, or from contaminated surfaces., How is pneumonia diagnosed in children?, Health workers can diagnose pneumonia through a physical exam, including checking for abnormal breathing patterns and listening to the child’s lungs. Sometimes they may use chest x-rays or blood tests for diagnosis. In countries without strong health care systems (i.e. few doctors, lack of access to chest x-rays and laboratories), health workers…, What are pneumonia treatments?, The treatment for pneumonia depends on the type of pneumonia. In developing countries, a large number of pneumonia cases is caused by bacteria and can be treated with low cost antibiotics. Yet many children with pneumonia do not receive the antibiotics they need because they lack access to quality health care. Other causes of pneumonia are viruses…, What role can oxygen play in pneumonia treatment?  , Oxygen is an essential and life-saving treatment for children and newborns suffering from severe pneumonia. That’s because the inflammation of their lungs prevents enough oxygen from entering their bloodstream.  Access to oxygen has for a long time been unavailable to those who need it. In many countries without strong health systems, oxygen is…, What can be done to prevent pneumonia?, Pneumonia can be prevented in the first place by increasing protective measures, such as adequate nutrition, and by reducing risk factors like air pollution (which makes the lungs more vulnerable to infection) and using good hygiene practices. Studies have shown that improved handwashing with soap reduces the risk of pneumonia by lowering exposure…, Is there a pneumonia vaccine?, Pneumonia caused by bacteria is easily preventable with vaccines. However, 40 per cent of children around the world are not fully protected with the primary vaccine to prevent pneumonia – the Pneumococcal (PCV) vaccine. In addition, other vaccines such as Diphteria-Tetanus-Pertussis and measles-containing vaccines and Hemophilus Influenza B (Hib)…, Where are the most children dying from pneumonia?, The countries with the largest number of child pneumonia deaths are concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Child deaths from pneumonia are concentrated in the world’s poorest countries. Within these countries, it is the most deprived and marginalized children who suffer the most. They often have limited or no access to basic health services…, How does air pollution factor into pneumonia?, Air pollution can significantly increase the risk of respiratory infection, including pneumonia. Almost half of all pneumonia deaths are attributable to air pollution.   The climate crisis is a child rights crisis and poses a serious threat to children’s health and well-being. Outdoor air pollution is a risk to children, especially with growing…, How big a factor is malnutrition in pneumonia related deaths?   , Wasting is the leading risk factor for deaths from pneumonia among children. It’s the most visible and life-threatening form of malnutrition. When a child is too thin and their immune systems are weak, they’re far more vulnerable to diseases like pneumonia. Wasting tends to occur very early in life and disproportionately impacts children under 2…, What is needed to stop pneumonia? , Swift action is required to ensure that no child dies from pneumonia and other preventable or treatable diseases.   That response requires reducing risk factors, protecting children’s immune system and ensuring access to good-quality health care, free at the point of use, with well trained and equipped health workers to all children. Preventing…