15 March 2019

#ENDviolence with BTS

Have you ever felt afraid of violence in or around your school? We asked this question to teens around the world and received more than a million responses. Two out of three of you said yes. But many of you also believe that ending violence in schools is possible, and you told us how. Through the youth-written #ENDviolence Youth Manifesto , teens…, Your words matter, This International Day of Friendship, we’re taking inspiration from the #ENDviolence Youth Manifesto and joining forces with BTS and Big Hit Entertainment's LOVE MYSELF campaign by spreading words of support and encouragement both online and in person. Even the smallest gesture can make a huge difference., Take action, Be kind online, Tag a friend Tag your friend in a positive message on social media using the hashtag #ENDviolence . DM a message of kindness DM someone sending a kind message. BTS video Share the BTS video ., Be kind in person, Write a note icon Write a note to your friend telling them why they’re great. Write a positive message and leave it on a mirror icon Write a positive message and leave it on a mirror. Leave a kind message icon Leave an anonymous kind letter for someone you know who needs it., Learn more, Want to do more? Find out how you can lead an #ENDviolence movement in your school or community. A girl sitting in a classroom Stand up and speak out to #ENDviolence : Tips for students Two young women stand together in Taiobeiras municipality, Brazil. Take action to #ENDviolence against children : A guide for students, parents and teachers…